General issues
SC AERLUX SRL as the owner of the web page WWW.AVIA.REISEN respects the confidentiality of the information presented by each user of this web page, including personal data, the purpose for which our Privacy Policy is applied.
We aim to offer site users a safe online experience that does not affect your personal life in any way. In this sense, WWW.AVIA.REISEN makes every effort to ensure that the information provided by users is used only for the purposes known to them and only in strict accordance with the provisions of the Law on the protection of personal data no. 133 of 08.07.2011 from the Republic of Moldova.
In accordance with the provisions of the law cited above, WWW.AVIA.REISEN has the obligation to administer in conditions of security and confidentiality the personal data of each person who visits this site in order to perform online operations (reservations, purchase of tickets , completion of forms, etc.), only for the purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

User rights
The provisions of Law no. 133/2011 grants any user of this web page the following rights:

  • to be informed (Article 12);
  • access to personal data (Article 13);
  • intervention on personal data (Article 14);
  • opposition (Article 16);
  • not to be subject to an individual decision (Article 17);
  • to go to court (Article 18).

WWW.AVIA.REISEN may collect your personal data only if you have provided it to us voluntarily. If you do not want your data to be collected, please do not provide it to us.

The purpose of collecting/using personal data
Any information provided by you or on your behalf as a result of using the online services on this website is presumed to be provided only with your express consent and is to be used by WWW.AVIA.REISEN only for the purpose:

  • to ensure that our website is relevant to your needs;
  • confirm the services you have purchased in the online system and to provide you with additional information regarding these services;
  • to send promotions, offers, advertising and marketing messages of our services or of our partners, by telephone, SMS or other means of communication;
  • to make online payments and to ensure the security of the online transaction by applying anti-fraud filters;
  • invoice the services ordered by you;
  • to make reservations online on the website www.AVIA.REISEN;
  • to perform statistical reports/analyzes.

Disclosure of personal data
Your personal data will not be disclosed by WWW.AVIA.REISEN to third parties unless:

  • there is your agreement for such actions;
  • it is necessary to send information in order to provide the products and services requested by you;
  • the information is necessary to the partners WWW.AVIA.REISEN in order to improve or facilitate some services or products requested by you;
  • it is necessary to protect and defend the property rights of WWW.AVIA.REISEN and its websites;
  • it acts in emergency circumstances to protect the personal safety of employees, users of products or services, or of public persons;
  • there is a legal obligation to provide your personal data to the competent institutions in connection with certain disputes, disputes for which this information is relevant.